Staggered Submission


Students are encouraged to submit their assignments over a defined period of time rather than on one specific day. This staggered due date facilitates the rapid marking process. Use of a staggered submission or a ‘set your own’ due date, needs to be in alignment with a range of other teaching, learning and assessment decisions at subject design stage to ensure a consistent quality and manageable quantity of feedback.

In Practice


MGT220 eCommerce

Teaching Staff

Sam Parker


The flexible assessment tasks were provided to students to facilitate personalised learning and planning. The open completion dates of assignments enabled rapid turnaround of feedback within a manageable timeframe for the marker.


This assessment consists of a quiz and three case studies. The submission is sequential but open. The study Planner enables easy tracking of intended submission dates and facilitates planning of marking.


The subject outline and Study Planner may be used to detail the flexible submission dates available to students. Staggered assessments mean that marking can be stretched across the session allowing for rapid return to individuals. Staggering assessment when there is a single marker does mean that the academic is required to be ‘constantly’ marking this may not suit all academics. With a very large cohort a group of markers may be available to be given set periods of time to cover. This would ensure that academics are not marking for the full session, however more markers may potentially increase the moderation load to ensure consistency.
