Lesson #5: Go Outside

Learn to feel the sensation that you are connected to this earth

Posted by Tim Klapdor on May 8, 2012

We tend to spend so much time inside these days. At school and at work the majority of the day ends up being spent inside. If we leave it too long we tend to disconnect and become absorbed into a more insular and lonely world. If you ever get that feeling, go outside.

As humans we didn’t evolve as creatures of the indoors, we were supposed to live outside. We made shelter to provide comfort and security, but we were never supposed to stay behind walls or under a roof. We are suppose to get out there and hunt and forage.

Our senses evolved to be used outside and when we live indoors they become dull. We become so reliant on sight we forget the beauty of touch and smell.

So go outside! Feel the sun on your skin. Touch the plants around you and feel the texture of the leaves. Smell the freshly cut grass. Crush a leaf in you hand and smell it. Close your eyes and feel the sun on your eyelids as they burn red.

Take a walk. Go out at sunset and watch the world turn golden and beautiful. Every once in a while get up really early and watch the sun rise. Go out in the winter and feel the crisp air turn your nose cold and red. Autumn and spring are my favourites, when nature is in flux and everything is growing or dying.

Learn to feel the sensation that you are connected to this earth – that you are part of it, and it is part of you.

Go out in the rain! Feel it coarse on your skin and drip from your hair – the smell and the taste.

And drag whoever is there out with you. It might be shit but it will never be a waste. You’ll have a connection and a memory – something to tell or remind each other about later on.