
Data analytics like those provided by Interact2 Site Analytics, can be used to easily discover student use and engagement patterns for content areas and key learning resources. This data can be used towards making adjustments to learning resources and support during a current session, and informing learning resource and support provision in subsequent subject offerings to allow learner pathways that are more responsive to concept learning difficulties.


These adaptations demonstrate a responsive approach to teaching in order to meet student needs and address issues related to their engagement with the content.

In Practice


PSC102: Botany

Teaching staff

John Harper & Geoff Burrows


PSC102 Botany is a common subject in a number of Bachelor of Agriculture courses and provides a range of resources that if fully utilised will help students succeed in the subject. Information and insights on how students actually use the learning resources provided, and what resources students found to be useful is of immense value towards the development of a more personalised learning approach in a core subject.


Data analytics has provided helpful insights into how students can be helped to succeed in the subject. Providing more personalised learning content, resources and support, allows for a responsive teaching practice and appropriately targeted academic interventions that focus on known problem areas of subject.


Data analytics are available in a number of systems used at CSU like Interact2 Site Analytics and CSU Replay. This data can be augmented with information from students gathered from the Discussion Forums or later in the Student Evaluation System. Combining these sources can provide useful and informative data from which to analyse student use of learning resources in order to make adjustments. They provide a picture of how many students accessed the resources, and combined with information from students as to what areas they struggled with, teachers can adapt the resources available.

This can be achieved in a variety of different ways:


Interact2 Site Analytics, Tests and Surveys, Discussion Forums, YouTube, Smart Sparrow,