Green Mexican Rice

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Green Mexican Rice

A spicy Green Mexican Rice made with coriander, jalapeño, garlic, spinach and chicken stock.



  1. Add the spinach, coriander, jalapeño, garlic, onion, salt and lime to a food processor and process until it looks like chimichurri sauce waiting for the oil, basically like a paste.
  2. Now add to the rice cooker and press Go, or cook the rice as per below
  3. Add the oil to the dutch oven or heavy bottomed pot and heat on medium high.
  4. Add the rice and cook until it starts to turn whitish, but not browning, about 5-7 minutes.
  5. Add the stock and the spinach-cilantro mixture to the pot, stir and turn down the heat to a low simmer.
  6. Cook for 15-18 minutes.
  7. Check quickly for doneness, then turn off heat and let sit covered and undisturbed for another five minutes.
Green Mexican Rice