Pea & Ham Soup

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Pea & Ham Soup

You have to start this one the night before, but the final result is well worth the effort!



  1. Place the peas in a large bowl and cover with cold water. Cover and set aside overnight to soak.
  2. The next day, drain the peas and transfer them to a large saucepan or slow cooker. Add the onion, carrot, (celery), stock and water. Stir to combine, then add the kaiserfleisch.
  3. In Slow Cooker: Turn on high for at least 4 hours, low for at least 6. Kaiserfleisch should crumble to the touch.
  4. Remove the Kaiserfleisch and chop coarsely.
  5. Blend the soup - an imersion blender makes this really easy. Taste and season with salt and pepper, taste before seasoning as the ham may have made the soup salty.
Pea & Ham Soup