Lesson #1: Talking to your Parents

I will never be able to read your mind – so you need to tell me thing

Posted by Tim Klapdor on November 28, 2011

OK, lets start with a simple one.

You can always talk to me and your mum. Always! It doesn’t matter what time it is, where we are, how bad a situation seems – you can talk to us.

As humans we are yet to develop the ability to mind-read, maybe in the future we will, but until then we need to talk to each. We need to say how we feel, what we are thinking, what’s going on in our lives. We need to yell and scream and vent. We need to vocalise our emotions and thoughts. Not just for ourselves, but for those around us.

I will never be able to read your mind – so you need to tell me things. I am an awful guesser – truly terrible. I won’t be able to tell what’s going on inside your head, what it means when you slam the door, yell at your mum, go out all night or wear next to nothing at all! You’ll have to sit me down and tell me.

You will never be able to predict when the shit hits the fan – when you get into trouble, into a bad situation, in the wrong place at the wrong time or make a bad decision. If that ever happens you can always call us. We can’t change the world but we will do everything we can for you! There is nothing too big or too serious you can’t come to us with.

Don’t hide problems, because then they’ll always be there. If you talk about them you can solve them.

Finally, don’t just come to us when things go wrong. Tell us when you’re happy, when you’re having fun, when you’ve done something amazing, had your mind blown, experienced something new, made a new friend or fallen in love! We want to know that our child is enjoying life, is happy and contented too!